domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

Today dear readers I write in another language, why? because it's my blog so my rules. Some time ago this place was once secret, private, intimate, and admittedly, I cease to be. Why? unofficial because there are more readers than you can tolerate, invisible readers, who leave their mark but read in secret and in silence. This disturbed me to the inspiration, the desire to write on this site that was as mine, so special as unreachable and now is not. because spaces where there are no hidden secrets of the soul, there are no walls that you protect or contain something that invades us in the depths where it is so lonely that we have only ourselves.
Slowly I move away from here, I run like I usually do when something or someone is going so within my being so deep that I have to stop it, nobody can get there, therein lies the organ to which no death can be given as always was, one that nobody ever breaks or broken. nobody breaks my heart can break something already broken.
life and its turns, you come with me in this solitude I try to avert your ghosts, provided all so confused, I feel lost, I need a kiss rescue day and its complications and their damn questions and mysteries and nights, the sunrise with you the silence to talk without words, know you are there and I with you, loving you without telling you, just making us company, building To undergo detoxification this past your fears away your memories poisoning, unplanned things, rules broken, and other down and come to stay.this I feel I can love you like maybe I am more afraid than you.

2 comentarios:

  1. maldita me haces ir a "el traductor"
    así es, ami tampoco me gusta que se metan en mis cosas,
    no me gusta que vean lo que escribo,
    porque es mío,
    es lo más profundo de mi esencia,
    y como leí una vez por ahi
    "lo que el alma dice no debe decirse.."
    te amo longi

  2. estan buenas las fotos muy buen gusto kuidate soy hutcher
